4th Annual Odyssey Chicago River Cruise 2024

Our 4th Odyssey Chicago River Cruise
Hosted by The Memory Center at UChicago Medicine | Senior Living Specialists
Families/Care partners (person diagnosed + guest) can experience this unique, 2-hour ride specifically to be enjoyed with their loved one diagnosed with memory impairment in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Space is limited to 50 pairs until spots are filled.
Enjoy the beauty of Chicago’s iconic skyline and historic architecture
from inside or outside the glass-topped Odyssey boat!
Our cruise last year WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!!
All attendees must FIRST confirm their spot (based on availability) via an initial registration phone call with Amy Keefner at amy@seniorlivingspecialistschicago.com. Once this call has been completed, Amy will then instruct you to click the DONATE NOW button to secure your spot!
Interested in being a DONOR/SPONSOR? Let's make more of these happen! Dances, Cruises, Lunches). This event is valued at $200/pair. Your donation makes it possible for attendees to attend at $25/pair. All are welcome to consider donating at any amount (between $25-$5000+) support this cause. See below for details.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Arrival and check-in at 12pm NOON
Boarding 12:30pm (early boarding 12pm)
Cruise from 1:00-3:00PM
455 N. Cityfront Plaza Dr. (off Michigan Ave. downtown)
Cruise staff will be oriented to the dementia-friendly, accessible experience with special thanks to Elite Cruises and Vacations Travel
Read more about our event from 2023:
The boat is wheelchair accessible with elevator access to the dock. Allow plenty of extra time for arrival. (Located at NBC Tower on Michigan Ave. Navigate to the Gleacher Center at University of Chicago and get dropped off at the circle.) We very much encourage having someone drop you off or arrive by Taxi/Uber/Lyft. (If driving, consider street parking or Spothero, and we will also provide parking instructions to the nearby lot.)
All sponsorships and individual donations directly support the costs associated with
this event and other future Joyous Moments events hosted by UChicago Medicine and community partners in the Chicagoland area. These Joyous Moments events are uniquely curated for those with impairment and accessibility in mind along with their care partners.
There is no donation too small to help. Click the donate button to submit your payment.
Platinum - $5000 - $3000 - includes company logo and name on all advertisement (flyer, social media, day of program, press releases) and 3 minutes from one member of your company to make an introduction when cruise starts. You are also able to bring any giveaways/promotional items. One paid ticket ($25) permitted per company
Gold - $2999 - $1500 - includes company logo and name on all advertisements (flyer, social media, day of program, press releases) Giveaways/Promotional items permitted in the welcome bag.
Silver - $1499 - $500 - includes logo and name on social media and program
Bronze - $499 - $250 - includes name on social media and program
Special donation - (any amount) ~ for attendees or any donors interested in
supporting towards the cost of this and other similar/future dementia-friendly
events hosted by UChicago Medicine. Special donations may also be given in honor of a loved one.
Anonymous giving also welcome.
ATTENDEES - $25 per pair (also welcome to donate any amount $25+)
Belmont Village Senior Village | Michael Delaney | Renewal Memory Partners
Great Lakes Clinical Trials
Featuring in-kind sponsorship from:
Chicago Hyde Park Village | SHARE Network Chicago
Elite Cruises and Vacations Travel | Healthy Aging & Alzheimer's Research Care Center
It was a great event. Lots of smiles and a wonderful relaxed atmosphere. Great planning to make it all work.
We so enjoyed the beautiful day cruising on our Chicago river. Thank you for all that you and everyone did for us. You are truly angels.
Thank you. It was wonderful!❤
[We] loved loved loved the cruise! It was such a special event, and one could see all the nice touches that you added -- from the people who helped passengers get on the boat, to the very necessary nametags, to the lovely decorations, to the tasty snacks, and including the DJ. We particularly liked the dancing part. You could not have ordered up a better day (and the weather was terrific, too)! Everyone was also so welcoming and friendly. We would be very interested in more events, particularly for the Younger Onset group. It's very hard to find others in this space, and events like this create and strengthen a sense of community in what can otherwise be a very solitary journey.
Thank you SO much!! My husband and I both absolutely loved it! The gorgeous boat, the weather, the music, the generous snacks, the old and new friends, the chance to learn about services we were not aware of from different vendors….all of it was fantastic! Thanks again for the best day of 2023!
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