Team Olivia - She Does Not Fight Alone

Olivia was diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer called High Risk Neuroblastoma. We have a long road ahead of us. As the doctors keeps saying, this will be a marathon. We are here to fight and kick this cancer to the curb. Through all of this, Olivia has remained in pretty good spirits, we know she is going to have good days and bad days. For our family the news has been difficult, but we are a family of fighters. We are thankful at how fast the team of doctors have moved, assembled and reached out to teams of doctors around the country to put a plan of action into place. We will be doing all sorts of chemo, surgery, radiation, and bone marrow transplants among other treatment plans and procedures.
We arefundraising to support all kids at the University Chicago Medicine Comer Children's Hospital. This gift will help advance the developmentof early detection methods as well as the development of markers to help better guide and direct treatment options.
Gifts of any size will help us reach our fundraising goal, and your support would mean a lot to me personally. Thank you!
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