Dr. Glenn Gerber Resident Fund

About Us
After 13 years as Residency Program Director, Dr. Glenn Gerber has recently retired. His love of teaching, dedication to resident education and dry sense of humor are going to be missed! In honor of his dedication to our residents, we have established the Dr. Glenn Gerber Resident Fund that will be dedicated to the growth and development of our residents.
The goals of our residency program are to provide excellent comprehensive clinical training in all aspects of urology and to create an atmosphere for discovery. Thus, we endeavor to provide our residents with the best training in clinical urology while enabling them to advance the science of urology through investigation.
What your donation means to us
With your donation, you would be directly funding our residents. Here are some examples of how your donations will be used:
1. Surgical loupes. Each resident is gifted a surgical loupe as they enter in our residency program.
2. Resident travel for global outreach missions to underserved countries.
3. Continued medical education including travel, lodging and conference registration.
4. Wellness programs.
5. Exceptional research opportunities.
6. Professional development activities.
We hope that you will consider supporting the urology residency program. Gifts of every size—whether $1,000, $1,500, or $100—have a meaningful impact. Your support is greatly appreciated!
If you have questions about giving or are interested in learning about how to make a multi-year commitment, please contact Ellen Clarke, Director for Individual Giving at eclarke@mbsd.uchicago.edu or 773-834-2742.
Arieh Shalhav (Urology Chairman) and Sarah Faris (Residency Program Director)
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